SHUJAAT HUSSAIN On June 16, 2014, hundreds of police officials laid the siege of central secretariat of MQI and the residence of PAT chief Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. The police launched this operation suddenly without any prior notice presumably in the name of removing security barriers. The police operation was continued for 15 hours, in which 14 innocent members of Minha-Jul-Quran were killed 90 others were injured in direct police firing. After the long procrastination judicial commission was formed to find out main accused of tragedy. The commission comprising Justice Baqir Ali Najfi of the Lahore High Court held the Punjab government “directly responsible” for the bloodbath at Minhajul Quran Secretariat in Model Town. Therefore Arif Nizami had said the report has been suppressed. Shahbaz Sharif along with Chaudhry Nisar Ali conducted several meetings with COAS during those days because the immense pressure was developed by Minhajul Quran and PTI. Another five-memb...
Shujaat Hussain Abbasi, a former student of the Mass Communication Department at Sindh University, has developed this news blog.