OIC Came into existence as a result of Zionists
attack on Al-Aqsa mosque, in that attack Zionists set Muslims' first
Qibla and the third holiest shrine of Islam on fire. After that incident waves
of wrath spread in the Muslim world against Zionism. Muslim leaders gathered at
Rabat and formed OIC in 1969 to liberate the Al-Aqsa mosque from Israel. The
main motives of OIC were to defend the honor, dignity, and faith of Muslims and
to overcome differences among Muslims. In the early years, they tried to
promote harmony, peace, and tranquility among Muslims, but with the passage of
time, Muslim leaders zeal for reprisal came to an end as if the wound of
Al-Aqsa was healed.
The chronic problem of Kashmir
This problem is called the mother of all problems between India and Pakistan. The Kashmir dispute date back from 1947. India and Pakistan have had three battles, first 1948 second 1965 and third in 1971, but the conflict of Kashmir has remained unsolved because of obduracy of India .70% population of Kashmir is Muslims and they want to draw their future democratically but India wants to impose its will on Kashmiri people, to suppress the voice of Kashmiri Muslims India has been violating human rights from 1947 to date. Around 10,000 Kashmiri women have been raped by the Indian ruthless military force, rape is used as a tool to punish and humiliate Kashmiri Muslims. Around 90,455 Kashmiris have died since October 1989."Since 1990, some 7000 to 8000 people have "disappeared" after being arrested by police or armed or paramilitary forces.
Iran & Iraq War
( 1980)
On September 22,1980 Iraqi armed forces invaded Iran with the secret help of the USA and other western countries. This battle came to an end in 1988, and later on, in August 1990, both sides signed the peace agreement. In this war, thousands of Muslims were killed from both sides. If OIC had played the serious role the war would have been stoped in beginning. It was a complete failure of OIC because it was unable to prevent Muslims countries from protracted and deleterious war.
On August 2, 1990, Sadam Hussain moved 100,000 Iraqi troops backing with tanks and helicopters towards Kuwait city. Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait city within an hour and started shelling to the royal residence in which foster brother of Emir Jaber III Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Saba
Invasion OF Kuwait
On August 2, 1990, Sadam Hussain moved 100,000 Iraqi troops backing with tanks and helicopters towards Kuwait city. Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait city within an hour and started shelling to the royal residence in which foster brother of Emir Jaber III Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Saba
Sheikh Fahad-Ahmed al-Sabah was killed along with private guards while Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Saba fled to Saudi-Arabia. It was Sadam Hussain's idea, holding Kuwait responsible for stealing Iraqi oil by slant drilling he created a fake reason for the invasion. In 1991 after the ground and air assault of UN forces, Iraqi forces had to leave Kuwait city quickly.
Once again OIC failed to unite Muslims under one umbrella, nobody took responsibility for the brutal act of Sadam-Hussain.
Demolition of Babri mosque
In Uttar Pradesh India, the Muslim ancient Babri mosque was demolished by Hindu extremists belonging to the shive-Sinha group. After the destruction of Muslims, sacred place riots erupted all over the world including India. After-math thousands of Muslims were killed in India most of them were burned to death by Hindu extremists. If OIC had taken serious action at the time of the burning of Al-Aqsa nobody could dare to demolish Muslims' holy places.
2003 invasion of Iraq
When we turn the pages of history to cast a glance at the freedom of Iraq, two monster killers Saddam Hussain Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti and George.W.Bush spontaneously agitate our minds. Therefore, I have collected some facts and figures about the Iraq invasion, as well as regarding George.w.Bush and Sadam Hussain, and letting it to the readers to decide who is bad and who is a good guy.
What were the responsibilities of Sadam Hussain as a president of Iraq? Did he fulfill the responsibilities as the head of the country? His top responsibility was to ensure the security of his people Saddam Hussain killed more Iraqi’s than George.w.Bush but the invasion of Iraq was a blunder of Bush as he invaded Iraq over untrue information of CIA about the weapons of Mass Destruction. How many Iraqi were killed in president Bush invasion?: The World Health Organization’s estimated 151,000 Iraqi were killed from March 2003 to June 2006 during Iraq’s invasion. All of them were not killed by the US Military some deaths were a result of sectarian conflicts. How many Iraqi killed by President Sadam?
Dujail Massacer 1982
On 8 July 1982, after the failed assassination attempt by the oppressed people of Dujail town against president Sadam Hussain Tikiriti, hundreds of people including children and women were massacred by Sadam forces and thousands of others were sent to exile forcefully.
The kidnapping of Kurds Tribes
During the Iran-Iraq War, the tension between Saddam Hussain and Kurds reached a boiling point. Holding responsible for cooperating with Iran Sadam forces abducted nearly 8,000 members of Barzani's clan in 1983, including hundreds of women and children. It is presumed that most of them were tortured to death; thousands of others were discovered in a mass grave in southern Iraq.
Halabja Chemical Attack
Halabja the incident took place on March 16, 1988, when the Iraq-Iran war was taking last breaths. The chemical gas attack was carried out by Sadam forces against Kurds. In a terrible poising gas attack more than 5,000 Kurds were neutralized and nearly 10,000 others were severely affected.
The 1991 Iraq Uprisings
In the wake of an uprising, hundreds of thousands of Kurds rebels and Shia protestors were killed by Sadam forces. At one point, the Kurdish forces in the north and Shia protestors in the south controlled 14 of Iraq’s 18 provinces. However, American aid never materialized, leaving the Shia and Kurdish rebels vulnerable to attack by Iraqi Army helicopters and tanks. In the end, hundreds of thousands of protesters and rebels were massacred when Saddam’s forces regained control of the north and south. In the uprising, nearly 180,000 Kurds fighters and Shitte protestors were eliminated. These killings do not include the deaths of the war which he fought with Iran in which he lost nearly 350,000 forces, 100 others during Kuwait's invasion, and many more after the sanctions imposed by united nations over the Invasion of Kuwait. About 500,000 Iraqi children lost their lives when the United Nations imposed financial and trade embargo on Sadam's government after Kuwait's invasion. Sadam Hussain openly declared Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin as his ideal, but his government survived more than a couple of times because of Ronald Reagan's blessings. We should all be ashamed for his heinous crimes which he committed Under the nose of Ronald Reagan. Sadam Hussain Tikriti had never been able to run his country in a proper way, in the way of peace and prosperity. Basically, Sadam was a blundering person who propelled his forces and people in the myriad of problems, he wanted to extend his powers as long as possible, but out of his stupidity, cruelty, and obduracy, he was unable to achieve his goals and culminated his career on the death penalty. George Bush was also a rotted and vicious president. In 1968, he joined the Texas Air National Guard through commission and honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974. Being a part of the American military, he was aggressive and bloodthirsty by nature. He invaded Iraq Over untrue WMD report and killed and injured hundreds of thousands of Iraqi. In the Iraq invasion according to the U.S. Department of Defense 4,424 Americans were also killed and 31,952 wounded during the freedom of Iraq.
Fall of Libya (2011)
Invasion Of Afghanistan
Fall of Libya
USA, UK, and France started ariel assault on Libia,targetting military bases and weapons depots, the aim was achieved within a short span of time. In this brutal attack, thousands of Muslims were killed along with Colonel Gaddafi, he was killed in multiple attacks launched by rebels and Al-Qaeda linked group later on. After effect properties of the Libyan government and its people looted by foreign-backed insurgents and Al-Qaeda linked terrorists. After the destruction of the Muslim country, David Cameron issued a statement, that launching military action against Libia was necessary and legally right.
Imported revolution in Syria (2011)
More than 200,000 Muslims and Christians have been killed under the pretext of revolution planed by the USA, France, the UK, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. However, terrorists imported from 80 countries along with Al-Qaeda and Free Syrian military to topple the Syrian government. Here in Syria situation is totally different from Libya, Bashar-Alasad is not only audacious but also prudent and he has proven iron in long imposed war, European countries, and Jhon Kerry have accepted their policy failure in Syria and praised Al-Asad's viable plan. With the limited number of army handling the pressure of superpowers and Al-Qaeda justifies that Mr: Al-Asad is a most shrewd man on the earth, he has put all his enemies in turmoil situation by snatching victory from their mouths.
Invasion Of Yemen
More than 200,000 Muslims and Christians have been killed under the pretext of revolution planed by the USA, France, the UK, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. However, terrorists imported from 80 countries along with Al-Qaeda and Free Syrian military to topple the Syrian government. Here in Syria situation is totally different from Libya, Bashar-Alasad is not only audacious but also prudent and he has proven iron in long imposed war, European countries, and Jhon Kerry have accepted their policy failure in Syria and praised Al-Asad's viable plan. With the limited number of army handling the pressure of superpowers and Al-Qaeda justifies that Mr: Al-Asad is a most shrewd man on the earth, he has put all his enemies in turmoil situation by snatching victory from their mouths.
Invasion Of Yemen
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been invading Yemen since March 2015 to reinstall fugitive president Mansour Hadi in power, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 34,100 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children. An estimated 85,000 children under the age of five may have died from acute malnutrition in three years of war in Yemen, the UK based leading charity Save The Children says.
Invasion Of Afghanistan
The US & its allies forces started invading Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, under the pretext of the 9/11 attacks. Thousands of reports suggest that the 9/11 attacks were fabricated and an inside job, aimed at to remove the Taliban government & install a puppet government that server their goals. The US & its allied forces have been invading Afghanistan for the last 16 years but the security situation has remained unchanged. The United Nations report published in late September 2017 reported that the security the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating with each passing day, approximately 500 Afghan troops are being killed every month and civilians casualties are at a high record. The US has been blaming Pakistan & Russia for Taliban financial support, but it does not know that more than $3 billion yearly Taliban funding comes from Opium, poppies and illegal drug trade. The United States has spent over $700 billion in sixteen years of Afghanistan invasion, some reports suggest the US does not even know how the money is being spent. The report published by the US defense department in October 2016, reported that more than 2,386 its troops have been killed and 20,049 military servicemen wounded since the beginning of the Afghan war. The above-given examples are enough to declare OIC as the weakest organization because it never took serious measures to combat spiraling atrocities and brutalities committed against Muslims.
28 August 2015 · Edited
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