Tamil Nado authorities said at least 31 people were killed this week in India's southern state of Tamil Nadu due to floods and heavy rain. The report also stated that rescuers were having difficulty reaching hundreds of people who were still stranded in high water. Torrential downpours crippled many cities in the state, overrunning entire neighborhoods, roadways, and railway tracks just days after a cyclone devastated India's south-eastern coast. "The death figure may evolve," federal officials told the media, adding that more than 40,000 people had been evacuated so far, with operations continuing to reach those who remain stuck. The meteorological headquarters reports that the state of Tamil Nadu received nearly 64 mm of rain this week—more than twice the normal amount of 20 mm for this time of year. Over the course of the next five days, further rain is predicted in several districts around the state, according to the meteorological agency.
Shujaat Hussain Abbasi, a former student of the Mass Communication Department at Sindh University, has developed this news blog.